Digital Marketing Strategy in Durango, CO

Digital Marketing Strategy and Fueling Your Business

Building a successful business is not an easy task, let alone developing a digital marketing strategy on your own. To build a successful business, you must first come up with a brilliant idea, then discover a profitable niche and target audience that you can sell to. Once you have managed to finish making the product, it’s time for another daunting task: make the customers aware of it and persuade them to make a purchase. A great product can end up being a failure if potential customers are not aware of its existence in the first place. That’s how important marketing is.

New businesses often experiment with different marketing strategies to come up with the ones that work best for them. But before starting any campaign, having a digital marketing strategy, an effective sales funnel and conversion optimization process ensures that you are not throwing money away on ad spend.

Social Media Marketing

Besides a traditional SEO strategy, don’t neglect the power of social media. By 2021, the number of social media users worldwide is projected to reach 3.1 billion. There are quicker ways to get into social media marketing than slowly garnering organic traffic through your profile interactions.

Millions of businesses are leveraging the power of Facebook’s PPC Ads and Boosted Posts feature to reach their target audience. When setting up a campaign with Facebook, you’ll have the ability to hyper-target different user groups based on a plethora of criteria such as age, interests, demographics, languages, connections, etc.

Similar to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn and other social media platforms also come up with their own advertising program.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing was given birth as a result of the rise of social media. Popular social media stars with lots of followers and interactions can act as a brand ambassador. Since people tend to listen to famous people more, especially the young generation, the endorsements coming from these social media stars can give your brand an overnight boost, and of course, lots of sales.

Email Marketing

No matter what others say, email marketing will never be dead. It is, in fact, one of the most effective forms of digital marketing. Once you have managed to establish a trust relationship with your readers, you can sell to them for years to come. Work on creating irresistible email content first before starting your campaign. Utilize drip email marketing to automate the whole process. With drip marketing, you only set up your emails once, and they will be mailed to your audience at predetermined intervals. Sophisticated parameters can be set to hyper-target users based on their actions, for example, those who abandoned their shopping cart, or didn’t attend a webinar will be sent a different set of emails.

PPC Marketing

Google AdWords is a powerful PPC platform that can inundate your site with targeted traffic if you set up your campaigns correctly. For those who don’t have the time to learn the ins and outs of AdWords, getting help from a professional marketing agency ensures that you don’t waste advertising money while figuring out the way.

Content Marketing

It’s estimated that about 88% of B2B businesses use content marketing as part of their marketing strategy. Having regular content posted can not only boost your SEO rankings but also develop a loyal readership base that you can sell to whenever appropriate. Having a business blog provides a way to speak to your target audience in a friendly way and establish yourself as a thought leader in the niche.

If you get confused after reading this list, maybe your business can use some help from a professional marketing agency. Don’t hesitate to contact us to get connected to our marketing experts!