Why Blogging is Important for Small Business

Did you know blogging is at the heart of the inbound marketing way? In a digital age where consumers are researching information before buying, your business blog is one of the best ways to attract new customers to your brand.

According to HubSpot, 55% of marketers say blog content creation is their top inbound marketing priority. As a result, these brands experience greater website traffic and leads than businesses who fail to harness a blogging strategy.

So if you’re struggling with generating traffic and leads for your business, blogging is an answer. If you’re looking for ways to boost online engagement and separate yourself from competitors, blog writing is key.

In fact, here are the top four reasons why blog writing is important for your small business and how it will benefit your online marketing goals.

#1 Positions You As An Expert In Your Industry

One of the biggest advantages of blogging is that it positions you as an authoritative source in your industry.

You see, blog writing allows you to share your expertise and answer your audience’s most pressing questions. People who visit your content can glean content that will help them solve a problem or obtain vital information. They’re more likely to remember your brand because you offered value.

Also, blogging gives you the slight edge over competitors. Your competition may not be blog writing consistently or not at all. Thus, having a content strategy that supports a regular blogging cadence gives you the upper hand in the search engines, on social media, and other online platforms.

#2 Increases Online Visibility

Speaking of search engines, Google absolutely loves blogs.

By optimizing your content for SEO, you increase your chances of showing up in the search results when your audience is looking for you. This means, as you use SEO best practices such as including images, focusing on a primary and secondary keyword, and sharing in-depth information that addresses the visitors concern, for example, you’re likely to increase your online visibility.

So, blogging will attract new customers to your website; people who may not have ever heard of your brand. It’s an ideal strategy to drive organic traffic and improve your online presence.

#3 Fuels Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Another reason why blog writing is important for your small business is that it can help progress your overall digital marketing goals.

You see, your blog posts are perfect for your social media content. You can use them on social in several ways: by sharing short snippets from your blog that are highly valuable or entices engagement or posting the blog link and offering a short blurb of what readers will gain. It’s a great way to bring value to your social followers.

Your blog post is also perfect for nurturing your email list with content they can use. To keep your subscribers engaged, it’s important to send them content that’s relevant to their needs and continues to position you as a credible source in the industry.

Finally, you can extend the life of your blog content by repurposing your post. By converting it into an infographic, video, or slideshow presentation, you’ve now created new ways to share your post across the internet.

In fact, repurposing is a solid way of working smarter with your content, helping to significantly boost your brand’s exposure.

#4 Builds the Know, Like, and Trust Factor

A big benefit of inbound marketing is that it fosters trust with your audience.

As mentioned, blog writing solidifies your expertise in the industry. When you’re found credible, visitors are more likely to trust and follow you. Trust is an important ingredient in today’s digital era in getting people to do business with you.

Also, your small business blog allows you to showcase your brand’s personality and culture. It’s another way for visitors to connect with you. Your style and tone of voice will give you that separation from competitors, helping you to stand out and get noticed.

How to Start Blog Writing for Your Small Business

So, it’s safe to say that blogging should be a part of your content strategy (Source: HubSpot)! The benefits of blog writing are too profound to ignore. Your potential customers are looking to find you on search…give them something to look forward to!

One of the best ways to get started with your blog writing is creating topics that your customers are already asking. What are the most prevalent questions your leads and customers often ask? What are the common problems and pains that your audience experiences? Offering solutions is a quick and easy way to create blog content while providing value.

Another suggestion is to consider what’s trending in your industry. Trending news drives tons of engagement. By staying relevant, you’ll be viewed as the go-to source!

Are You Ready to Get Started?

Are you convinced that blog writing is important for your small business? Reach out to us here for a free consultation. We can help you create a content strategy that gets you in front of your ideal customer and increases your online visibility!

Much success.